If you’ve suffered with knee pain or tendon pain , you’ve probably heard a wild range of stories and opinions from friends and family, and even outdated advice from doctors to rest and rely on painkillers which has left you confused, frustrated and unable to get long-term relief.
Here are some of the most common complex pain myths people who visit our Chislehurst clinic have been told which has actually made their knee pain and tendon pain much much worse, and delayed their recovery from injuries significantly.
Very often people falsely believe that working on a relationship means that there must be something wrong AOne big misconception regarding complex or persistent pain revolves around the necessity for scans or consultations if pain persists. Patients often find themselves surprised to discover that what they were told was an arthritic hip or an arthritic knee was in fact just stiff muscles around the joints causing the pain all along.
Remarkably, within just a few weeks of hands-on treatment, some patients witness a dramatic improvement in their condition, enabling them to resume activities they had resigned themselves to giving up, such as playing tennis or golf. Contrary to the belief that aches and pains are inevitable with age, Chris emphasises that people can live an active lifestyle throughout the entirety of their lives, provided they are willing to commit to exercises and rehabilitation to maintain their level of physical well-being and stay there.ith your relationship.
It's not true. Working on your relationship means you care about it and you want to improve it.
You're doing everything you can to make sure that things stay as great as they are even if you are in a good place.
Another prevalent myth concerns the perceived need for scans or X-rays. As a first-contact practitioner, Chris is proficient in assessing whether such diagnostic procedures are necessary. While a small minority of patients may require scans or X-rays, most actually do not need to go down that route.
Chris is very thorough at screening for any potential red flags of serious pathologies and possible medical conditions that might be masquerading as joint problems or back pain. If deemed necessary, he promptly refers patients to specialists for further investigation.
However, the majority of patients don’t need those interventions. Additionally, the scans and X -rays that people wait for months to get often don't reveal anything that changes the management process.
Consequently, Chris advocates for timely intervention rather than waiting for scans or X-rays. By starting treatment promptly, individuals can begin the journey towards improved strength and fitness, potentially removing the need for diagnostic imaging altogether.
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Are You Upset, Unsure or Even Confused About these myths that people you trusted have told you - Which have probably led to more Complex Pain?
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Chislehurst's Complex Pain Expert, Chris Barber
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